Dad's Proverbs


How we worship and bring our hearts to a place of surrender before our King is not nearly as important as the surrendered heart. For some, we best bow through music, for others, it is in meditating on His word, some meet Him best in the presence of other worshippers, others surrender best in solitude. Some draw close to Jesus in a more formal service, others through informal interaction, some are stirred to surrender through teaching, others through prayer. Some need long periods alone with Jesus, others walk best with Him in constant interaction with Him throughout the day. Our Father has given us so many ways to draw close to Him. We each use different methods in different seasons of our lives. Variety helps any relationship. How can you draw close to Him today?

Kingdom Truth Reminders, Life Observations…

These “sayings” were originally written to help my adult kids navigate the confusing array of “messages” with which they are confronted in this world, both within and without the bible-believing community. Many readers have shared how they have been encouraged and challenged by them, so they are published here. I hope they impact your journey and draw you closer to the Truth, the Way and the Life.

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