Man’s greatest weakness today is his lack of self-awareness.
—AW Tozer (quoted from memory – paraphrase).
Man’s greatest weakness today is his lack of self-awareness.
—AW Tozer (quoted from memory – paraphrase).
You will never be able to measure your influence for good.
—Thomas Monson
Every day is an adventure/gift. One never knows what will come his way.
—Rural Angolan
A man will say, “I love you,” in his desire to get sex or some form of physical affection. A woman will give physical affection (sex) in her desire to be loved.
When Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
—Job 1:21
I know that the experiences of our lives, when we let God use them, become the mysterious and perfect preparation for the work He will give us to do.
—Corrie ten Boom
People tend to believe the views of those they trust.
Humility is more about how I treat others than how I think about myself.
—John Dickson
We all walk with a limp.
—Danny Meyer
People are complex. We can win in one area, but be at a complete loss in another part of our lives. And we can be completely unaware of the gap. It takes time and patience to work these things out in our lives, and to help those around us.
—R. Bergen
Everyone needs help, only some realize it.
—Drunk administrator in Otchinjau
Those who die as the result of their folly are many; those who die as the result of their wisdom are few.
— African Proverb
Jesus today has many that love His heavenly kingdom, but few who carry His cross; many who long for comfort, few who long for distress. Plenty of people He finds to share His banquet, few to share His fast. Everyone desires to take part in His rejoicing, but few are willing to suffer anything for His sake. There are many that follow Jesus to the breaking of the bread, few as far as drinking the cup of suffering; many that revere His miracles, few that follow Him in the indignity of the cross.
—T. á Kempis
Perhaps the greatest thing to fear is getting what you want and missing what God wants.
—E. Peterson
Only a minority stagger about with the delirious joy of the man who found the buried treasure.
—B. Manning
The most difficult part of mature faith is to allow yourself to be the object of God’s delight.
—A. Jones
If we could count the fears, both great and small, that once hounded us, and then thank God for each dread outcome that never materialized, we would reach no end of gratitude.
—J. Kavanaugh
Purity paves the way to intimacy.
—A. Stanley
Men will always be making mistakes as long as they are striving after something.