Dear Lord, grant me the grace of wonder. Surprise me, amaze me, and awe me in every crevice of your universe… Each day enrapture me with your marvelous things without number. I do not ask to see the reason of it all; I only ask to share the wonder of it all.
—J.A. Heschel


A saint is not someone who is good but someone who experiences the goodness of God.
—T. Merton


My deepest awareness of myself is that I am deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it.


The greatest fault of the church of this generation is its lack of self-evaluation.
—A.W. Tozer


All people are moving in one of two directions; toward God or away from Him.
—R. Nathan


Sorrow and suffering are often our companions while we journey with our Shepherd.
—H. Hurnard


There are two kinds of people: those who look at life and complain of what is not there and those who look at life and rejoice in what is there.


The opposite of intolerance is not tolerance, but love.
—J. McDowell


It's so hard to see, when my eyes are on me.
—K. Green


I’ve never had a selfless thought.
—C.S. Lewis


To seek love and fulfillment outside of God is to dig wells where there is no water.
—D. Meyer


Wherever you are, be all there.
—D. Stranges


One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many; three are hardly possible.
—H. Adams


We will always be disappointing somebody.
—D. Stranges


We teach what we know; we reproduce who we are.
—J Maxwell


When you train up a leader in love, encouragement, instruction, and example, when he is “older” (and leading), he will not depart from doing the same.
—H. Hansen


Our lack of clarity and understanding in this life (“we see through a glass dimly”) serves a primary Kingdom purpose: we remain dependent on our Father's leading.
—T. Price


Truth is a cold and bitter drink and few drink it undiluted.
—Loosely from “Byzantium”


What God says to those who make “mistakes” in ministry: 'Well done, my good and faithful servant.'
—H. Hansen


I believe in Jesus, not because it’s easy, but because it’s true.
—J.E. Tada

Kingdom Truth Reminders, Life Observations…

These “sayings” were originally written to help my adult kids navigate the confusing array of “messages” with which they are confronted in this world, both within and without the bible-believing community. Many readers have shared how they have been encouraged and challenged by them, so they are published here. I hope they impact your journey and draw you closer to the Truth, the Way and the Life.

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